The Habanos cigar part 3 - Dramatic ups and downs

The Habanos cigar. Part 3: Dramatic ups and downs. In part 3 of this 4-part documentary, we talk about the dramatic events of the Habanos cigar. We are now approximately in the year 1870 to 1940. free eBook, which the members of Cigars.Zone Plus receive. In all four parts - in the film and in the eBooks - the guest is the expert Claudia Puszkar.
- You are in part 3: Dramatic ups and downs
The video: The Habanos cigar part 3 - Dramatic ups and downs
The best way to enjoy the video is with a great cigar and a nice drink.
What you'll experience in the show
The very small cigar factories, which started door to door, so to speak, became huge palaces. As world affairs changed several times during this period, cigar producers also had to adapt to the new circumstances. You can find out what they had to do in Part 3.
In all four parts - in the film and in the eBooks - the guest is the expert Claudia Puszkar.
The documentary series was produced on behalf of the two official importers: 5th Avenue Products GmbH and Intertabak AG.

Hello Vasili,
I found the first 3 parts incredibly interesting and am looking forward to the next show. I'm only watching the parts now because I have enough time now that I'm on vacation. As I said, very exciting and entertaining. Thank you very much.
Greetings, Jos
Hi Vasili, thanks for this part too! It's pretty condensed this time... lots of information, names and events. The first two parts seemed a bit more solid to me. But that's complaining on a high level. Nevertheless, it was very entertaining and I enjoyed paying attention. I'm really looking forward to the fourth part. Greetings Franco
Hi Franco, thank you very much for your feedback! The fourth part will be a crowning finale to the series, I'm really looking forward to it too! The eBook for part 3 is already being proofread. HAVE A GOOD SMOKE, ~ Vasilij