Villiger San Doro Maduro Toro

Villiger San Doro Maduro Toro, the 3 copy tasting. The cigar is a so-called Puro; that is: the tobacco comes 100% from Brazil and the cigar is made in Brazil. We have here a premium cigar of very high quality.
A cigar test is subjective
Note: How the cigar tastes is influenced by personal taste preferences, taste memories, the shape of the day, what you have eaten or drunk before. Even the lighting mood in the room has an influence on the experienced taste. The notes described here therefore do not have to match your own impressions.

Fact Sheet
- Format: Toro (length: 150 mm / ring size: 52)
- Tobacco:
- Cover: Brazil
- Binder: Brazil
- Fountain pen: Brazil
- Price: Status April 2022
- CHF 14.80 / box of 20 CHF 296.00
- EUR 14.40 / box of 3 EUR 43.20

Personal impressions of pleasure
Recommended acclimatization: 3 days with cellophane in the humidor.
First half
- Tongue, palate: sweetish / cocoa (bittersweet) /wood / sourish (little)
- Retronasal: slightly grassy / nutty / slightly peppery / a lot of wood / slightly acidic
- R+ ZiZo vacuum technology: maybe cedar wood? / very much coffee beans / very much wood
- Umami: Rusty / juicy
- Strength 3/5
Second half
- More sweetness and more cocoa / more nut / acidity decreases
- Strength 3/5
Conclusion Villiger San Doro Maduro Toro
I tasted three examples over the course of a week. One before breakfast, one after lunch and one after dinner. The results were almost identical. Specimen before breakfast 4.1 out of 5 points / specimen after lunch 4.4 out of 5 points / specimen after dinner 4.3 out of 5 points. On average, this results in 4.26 out of 5 points. A very good result was achieved by the Villiger San Doro Maduro Toro.
I noticed the sweet nuttiness in all three. It dominated until the finale. From about the second half, the sweetness even increased and with the nut has joined even more wood. Of course, you do NOT have to imagine that the cigar was as sweet as chocolate.
I always do the tastings with the Zigarren.Zone tasting tool. This is super helpful and helps to evaluate the cigar systematically. The link to the free PDF you will find below at Resssourcen on the subject.

What is exciting is how the cigar tasted at the three different times of day and on different days. All three specimens tasted similar. There were a few differences. The pre-breakfast specimen was a bit "harder" tasting. On another day, the second specimen after lunch was well balanced and very balanced. The third copy, also on another day and after dinner, tasted slightly less balanced in places. It always depends on what you eat and drink (I didn't note it down). The points from the three copies are very close.
The Villiger San'Doro Maduro Toro is an excellent quality product and a flavorful premium cigar. The tobacco comes 100% from Brazil. If you have so far made rather not so great experiences with Brazilian tobacco: I can reassure you. When a cigar is made from 100% Brazilian tobacco, the tobacco tastes quite different than when part Brazil tobacco is in a blend that also consists of other provinces. I should inquire why this is so ?
Be brave, try this cigar and write in the comment box how you liked it (for this you have to registered and be logged in).
As always, "If the cigar tastes good to me, then maybe to you. But if you don't like it, then there's more for me!" 🙂

Resources on the topic
- Buy cigar: Google Search >
- Rate cigars like a pro: Cigars.Zone Tasting Tool
- Helpful Cigar Tips: From "retronasal", to "umami" to the difference in cigar storage between Non Cuba and Cuba.