S.T. Dupont Twiggy, Slimmy, Biggy Jetflames briefly explained

Discover S.T. Dupont's lighter trio: Twiggy in 60s style, ultra-flat Slimmy & powerful Biggy. Unique designs inspired by line 2.

2 Minutes

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Video S.T. Dupont Twiggy, Slimmy, Biggy

Briefly explained in 60 seconds. The video in English is available here >

I like these three lighters

The shapes and colors are just great. Twiggy has an enamel surface and embodies the spirit of the 60s. Slimmy is only 9 millimeters thick and is the flattest luxury lighter in the world. Biggy is a technological powerhouse with a 2-cm burner flame. The design is inspired by Line 2, the legendary lighter from S.T. Dupont.

Their shapes and proportions are harmonious and combine the traditional style of the house with contemporary design.

I like to light my cigars with it. I choose the right lighter depending on the thickness of the cigar.

Interview with Alain Crevet, President of S.T. Dupont

Here is the interesting interview: Made in France or China? The truth about S.T. Dupont production

Resources on the topic and buy these S.T. Dupont Jetflames

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