New Davidoff 2021 cigars, exclusive to select partners: it's a highly limited program of custom Davidoff Exclusives.
16 exclusive editions
The Exclusive Editions, created and individually blended in collaboration with top retail and distribution partners around the world, are available in limited quantities from select retail partners worldwide celebrating anniversaries and other special occasions. Created by Davidoff Master Blenders, these premium cigar editions will surprise and delight aficionados with a unique cigar experience.
"The Davidoff Exclusive Editions are exceptional cigar creations with individual blends, each as unique as the countries, cities and anniversaries for which they were created. This year's highlight is the "Davidoff of Geneva 110th Anniversary" to honor Zino Davidoff's unique attention to each customer and their individual demands that entered our iconic Geneva store. Available only at Davidoff of Geneva flagship stores worldwide since 1911, this Exclusive Edition celebrates 110 years of customer focus, a key part of our "Crop-to-Shop" strategy. We are very excited to make the Exclusive Editions available in 2021, to 16 select retail partners, enabling them to offer customized blends that meet local taste preferences. Presented in beautiful, personalized boxes of 10 cigars, Davidoff Master Blenders have created exciting blends that are sure to delight our aficionados," said Edward Simon, Chief Marketing Officer of Oettinger Davidoff AG.
New Davidoff 2021: 10 Toro cigars in white boxes
The Exclusive Editions 2021 are presented in beautiful white boxes containing 10 Toro cigars and are individually decorated with gold foil designs. The design finishes range from store identifiers to iconic geographical landmarks relevant to the partner, their hometown or country. To further customize the Exclusive Editions, the cigars are presented with a second ring tailored to the partner.
New Davidoff 2021: Launch & Availability
The highly acclaimed Davidoff Exclusive Editions 2021 will be launched in July* 2021 at select Davidoff Appointed Merchants and Flagship Stores in the countries listed below and will be offered in limited quantities only.
- Launch dates may vary by country.
The 16 Davidoff Exclusive Editions to be released in 2021
Davidoff Exclusive Davidoff of Geneva 110th Anniversary
2,200 boxes exclusively available in Davidoff of Geneva since 1911 flagship stores worldwide.
Davidoff Exclusive Davidoff of Geneva Germany 5th anniversary
300 boxes exclusively available at selected Davidoff authorized dealers in Germany.
Davidoff Exclusive Davidoff of Geneva Austria 10th anniversary
300 boxes available exclusively from selected Davidoff authorized dealers in Austria.
Davidoff Exclusive Liverpool
300 boxes available exclusively in Cgars Ltd stores in the UK.
Davidoff Exclusive Cigars Dürr
1,000 boxes exclusively available in selected Cigars Dürr stores and Davidoff of Geneva since 1911 flagship stores in Switzerland.
Davidoff Exclusive Palmyra
300 boxes available exclusively at The Cigar Warehouse in California.
Davidoff Exclusive Brooklyn
300 cases available exclusively at Davidoff of Geneva flagship stores in the US.
Davidoff Exclusive Blend Bar
500 boxes available exclusively at BLEND stores in the US.
Davidoff Exclusive New York
2,200 boxes available exclusively at Davidoff of Geneva flagship stores in the US.
Davidoff Exclusive Love Mexico
300 boxes available exclusively in Lieb tobacco stores in Mexico.
Davidoff Exclusive Croatia
500 boxes exclusively available at selected Davidoff distributors in Croatia and in the most exclusive restaurants and bars.
Davidoff Exclusive GTR Japan
1,000 boxes available exclusively in the Japanese travel retail market.
Davidoff Exclusive GTR Korea
350 boxes available exclusively at Travel Retail and select Davidoff appointed retailers in Japan.
Davidoff Exclusive GTR Instanbul
600 boxes available exclusively from selected Davidoff authorized dealers in Germany.
Davidoff Exclusive GTR Zurich
300 numbered boxes exclusively available at Davidof of Geneva since 1911 in Zurich Duty Free.
Davidoff Exclusive GTR Paris
300 numbered boxes available exclusively at the Davidof of Geneva since 1911 store in Paris Duty Free.
About Oettinger Davidoff
The Oettinger Davidoff Group, with sales of around 450 million Swiss francs and 3,100 employees worldwide, traces its roots back to 1875 and is still family-owned. The company is dedicated to the production, marketing, distribution and sale of premium cigars, tobacco products and accessories. The premium cigar business includes the Davidoff, AVO, Camacho, Cusano, Griffin's, Private Stock, Zino and Zino Platinum brands. Oettinger Davidoff Group is also the exclusive agent for many brands in several countries, such as Haribo in Switzerland. The business is anchored in a strong "crop-to-shop" philosophy, pursuing vertical integration from the tobacco fields in the Dominican Republic and Honduras to the global network of some 70 Davidoff flagship stores and strong authorized distributors.