Davidoff Winston Churchill LE 2022 Perfecto - a successful start to the new year.Davidoff Cigars is continuing its "Through the day into the night" campaign. This involves the Davidoff Winston Churchill Collection and the iconic Aficionado. A Limited Edition Perfecto cigar is being launched, which emphasizes Churchill's character facet of the statesman. Customers can also look forward to a Limited Edition Round Cutter. The price of the Round Cutter: CHF 395. The price of the cigar: CHF 34. On the Internet you will find the price in English pounds (45.00). In the USA it costs USD 34.00. Click here for the test report >
Winston Churchill's character facet
The exclusive Winston Churchill Limited Edition 2022 revolves entirely around Winston Churchill's character facet of the statesman and emphasizes the qualities of the unique Perfecto cigar as a clear leader. Davidoff has been making a name for itself in global markets with its popular Winston Churchill Collection for eight years now.
The impressive performance of "The Original Series" and "The Late Hour Series" confirms the brand's intention to inspire aficionados around the world to enjoy moments of pleasure around the clock with matching cigars. The Limited Editions, which have their origins in Sir Winston's character facets, complement the existing Winston Churchill series and are highlights for Churchill fans and aficionados.
Limited Edition Perfecto cigar
Winston Churchill is widely known as "the greatest statesman of the 20th century", who often made strategic decisions with a cigar in his hand. Revered in his day as a talented negotiator, he lived by a different maxim when it came to cigars: Churchill firmly believed that quality was never negotiable. The Davidoff Master Blenders therefore set themselves the task of creating a blend that is just as sublime, complex and multi-faceted as the great man himself.
The Winston Churchill Limited Edition 2022 is the perfect combination of the multi-origin blends from "The Original Series" and "The Late Hour Series". With tobaccos from Ecuador, Mexico, the Dominican Republic and Nicaragua, the Limited Edition combines notes of cedar and leather from "The Late Hour Series" with those of walnuts and floral aromas from "The Original Series". Churchill's uniqueness as a statesman is also reflected in the format: the Limited Edition is the only Perfecto cigar in the entire Davidoff Winston Churchill range.
halfwheel.com published the size: 5 7/8 x 61 double perfecto. This is approx. 14.9 cm long.
Taste experience
A glossy wrapper leaf from Ecuador gives the Perfecto a highly elegant appearance from the outside. The medium to strong cigar lasts for 60-70 minutes, which is a nicely filled time. The first third is dominated by leather notes, which give way to intense walnut aromas in the second third. The last third of this masterpiece is characterized both on the palate and retronasally by impressions of fresh spices, which are complemented by additional notes of leather and coffee, creating a complex sensory experience that more than does justice to the multi-layered character of the Statesman.
"Sir Winston was an icon with many interests and talents. We at Davidoff are honored to be able to bring the many facets and stories of this inspiring aficionado to life with our cigars," says Edward Simon, CMO of Oettinger Davidoff AG.
The limited edition of 12,300 boxes comes in elegant packaging designed after Churchill's own briefcase. In addition to the ten cigars, customers can also look forward to a letter from Randolph Churchill, Winston Churchill's great-grandson.
Limited Edition Round Cutter
In addition to the limited edition, Davidoff is also offering an elegant round cutter in Winston Churchill design. This high-quality must-have for collectors features Churchill's silhouette and is designed in the style of an old pocket watch. The lifestyle accessory therefore goes perfectly with all products in the Davidoff Winston Churchill range. Made with German precision from stainless steel and scratch-resistant sapphire crystal, the Round Cutter is protected by a leather case and can be attached to clothing with a stylish chain and clasp.
Market launch & availability
The Davidoff Winston Churchill Limited Edition 2022 will be available from February 2022* from selected Davidoff authorized dealers and in Davidoff flagship stores.
Editor's note: As always, the price is not communicated in the media releases. We found out that the cigar costs $ 34 in the USA and £ 45 in the UK, and CHF 34 in Switzerland.
*Market launch dates may vary by country.
About the Oettinger Davidoff
The Oettinger Davidoff Group, with sales of around 423 million Swiss francs and 3100 employees around the world, can trace its roots back to 1875 and remains an independent family business to this day. It is dedicated to the production, marketing, distribution and retail sales of premium cigars, tobacco products and accessories.
The premium cigar business comprises the brands Davidoff, AVO, Camacho, Cusano, Griffin's, Private Stock, Zino and Zino Platinum. The Oettinger Davidoff Group is also the general agent for numerous brands in several countries, including Haribo in Switzerland. The company is strongly rooted in the "crop-to-shop" philosophy and thus pursues an approach of vertical integration, from the tobacco fields in the Dominican Republic and Honduras to the global network of around 70 Davidoff flagship stores/satellites and strong authorized dealers in over 100 countries.