Cohiba Majestuosos Fake. A 20 million dollar scam

Revealed: Fake Cohiba Majestuoso humidors have appeared on the market. An investigative report uncovers a network that may have produced up to 1,966 fake humidors worth 20 million dollars. Check your Cohiba Majestuosos humidors for telltale typos.

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The YouTube Chanel Habanos News revealed

Below you can read the text that can be found in the video description of the Fake Cohiba Majestuoso humidors. And here is the video. Please take your time to watch to the end.

"In 2019 we bought a humidor with Cohiba Majestuosos in a reputable store. In 2022, we noticed that there were some spelling mistakes in the English translation on the description sheet. We contacted the store who refused to exchange the box for an original box without the spelling mistakes and denied that the humidor was a fake.

We asked our lawyer to contact the retailer in the country where the store is located and they quickly replied that they did not sell this humidor in that store. They offered to take us to Cuba and arranged a meeting at Habanos, the owner of the Cohiba brand, to inspect the box on September 6, 2022.

The report came in April 2023 and showed that the humidor, the cigars, the bands and the seals are all FAKE. Over the past few months we have been investigating and we believe that the manufacturer of this counterfeit box has made more than one as we have seen at least 2 other counterfeits. Therefore, we believe the counterfeiters have produced a complete run of 1,966 counterfeit boxes numbered 1 through 1966.

With an average price of $11,000-12,000 per piece, this results in a fraud of $20 million. If they made 2 batches, the amount is double that. If the description of your humidor has the spelling mistakes described in this video, you will not be able to sell it as no one will buy it from you. Original humidors are currently being sold in the UK for 66,000 GBP or 76,000 $. If you have one of these FAKE humidors, please contact us and we will help you.

Write to us at: If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us."

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Resources on the topic

YouTube Chanel from Habanos News

And here is the video. Please take your time to watch to the end

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  1. Hello everyone,
    I have preached it to my children and friends for years... you must never underestimate the value and importance of good spelling... this post is further proof 🙂

    1. Yes, that's blatant, isn't it? And he only realized it a few years after buying it. That's also blatant ? He simply trusted the dealer, which is of course not a bad thing. And if I had children, I would preach to them: "Trust is good, CONTROL is BETTER." This motto has "saved" me many times in my life.

      1. Yes, Vasilij,
        Control and education... especially self-control... has also helped me a lot. 🙂 Many people owe their [further] life to my self-control and self-mastery. 🙂
