Cigars destroyed by customs

Cigars destroyed by customs

Customs destroyed cigars in Germany. Cigars were sent from Spain to Germany. There were no documents in the package. That is illegal.

Criminal proceedings initiated

The package came to the attention of the main customs office in Heilbronn. When the package was examined, 125 metal boxes containing five cigars each and twelve wooden boxes containing ten and 25 cigars respectively were found. Criminal proceedings were initiated on suspicion of tax evasion.'s INSIDER mailing list
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Cigars destroyed by customs
Cigars destroyed by customs

Private or business: illegal without a German tax symbol

At you can read, excerpt: "If tobacco products are shipped from other member states without valid German tax stamps, this is a violation of the Tobacco Tax Act. As tobacco products without German tax stamps are not marketable in Germany, they will be seized and destroyed by the customs authorities upon delivery! This applies to shipments from private individuals to private individuals as well as from a mail order company to private individuals."

Resources on the topic

Cigars.Zone's content overview

