Avo Syncro Fogata Toro Competition

Avo Syncro Fogata Toro contest awaits 4 winners in Switzerland

Avo Syncro Fogata Toro: Unter allen richtigen Einsendungen wird am 13.03.22 im Verlauf des Tages verlost. Verschickt wird der Gewinn exklusiv an Adressen in der Schweiz und Liechtenstein. Eine Lieferung ins Ausland ist leider verboten. Teilnehmen konnten alle Mitglieder von Zigarren.Zone. Bist du noch kein Mitglied? Please register now > Ich wünsche dir beim Beantworten der Fragen guten Gehirnschmalz ? Falls du wissen möchtest, wie diese Zigarre schmeckt, das liest du bitte hier >

Wir haben 4 Zigarren.Zone Mitglieder, die gewonnen haben, herzlichen Glückwunsch! Michel Amatucci, Rico Schadegg, Pascal Lenoir und Sergio Fontana. Die Zigarren werden diese Woche verschickt ?

Cigars.zone's INSIDER mailing list
By submitting you confirm that you are of legal age (18+).

This was what you could win

  • 4er Pack Avo Syncro Fogata Toro: Es wird 4 Gewinner geben. Jeder Gewinner bekommt einen 4er Pack.
  • Wert: CHF 62.00 pro 4er Pack
  • Verlost wird am 13.03.22 im Verlauf des Tages
  • Verlost wurde exklusiv unter den Members from CigarZone. Please register now >
  • Sponsor: Oettinger Davidoff, Basel

Important to know

Fogata, was Lagerfeuer auf Spanisch bedeutet, war die Inspiration für diese Zigarre. Eine Mischung aus Visus- und Ligeroeinlagetabaken aus Nicaragua und der Dominikanischen Republik beeinflusst das Geschmackserlebnis in Bezug auf Stärke und Aroma. Das Deckblatt stammt aus Ecuador.

  • Du bist verpflichtet ein paar Selfies von dir zu schiessen, auf dem der Gewinn zu sehen ist. Die Fotos schickst du bitte an genuss@zigarren.zone. Ein kleiner Bericht erscheint danach auf Zigarren.Zone.
  • Please note the conditions of participation after the post.
Avo Syncro Fogata Toro Competition
4 Gewinner können sich freuen: Je eine 4er Packung wartet auf dich!
Avo Syncro Fogata Toro Competition
Auf diese Zigarren kannst du dich echt freuen.

The competition questions

Please fill out the form below. Once the draw is made, you will not be able to see the form below.

  1. Was heisst „Fogata“?
  2. Which countries does the filler tobacco come from?
  3. Which country is the cover sheet from?

Competition regulations for cigars

1How you can win
1.1Eligible are Members of the Cigars.Zone Plus mailing list. If you are not yet a member, please register here. Persons aged 18 and over are eligible to participate.
1.2The winner will be chosen at random from all correct entries.
2How do you find out about your winnings
2.1The winner will be announced in the article on the above date and will also receive an email.
3How the shipping is done
The shipment will be made by Swiss Post, uninsured, within one week after notification of the prize.
Any costs incurred for the delivery service are to be paid by the winner directly to the delivery service (e.g. if the winner has the shipment redirected to another address, etc.) The winner does not pay any fees to Crazycat Media GmbH.
3.3The prize will be shipped by Crazycat Media GmbH to Switzerland and Liechtenstein; shipping tobacco prizes abroad is not permitted. The company operates the online magazine Zigarren.Zone.
4The fine print
Crazycat Media GmbH may use your text and photo in social media. A later deletion in the social media is excluded.
4.2No cash payment.
4.3No correspondence will be entered into about the competition.
4.4The legal process is excluded.
4.5No replacement in case of loss or damage of the package and the goods.
4.6The raffle regulations can be adapted to current circumstances by Crazycat Media GmbH at any time without notice.
4.7If you receive the prize and do not want to keep it: Please inform Crazycat Media GmbH within 24 hours after receiving the prize. Send an eMail to: verlosung@zigarren.zone and return the prize unused within 14 days at your expense to: Crazycat Media GmbH, Spinnlerstrasse 2, 4410 Liestal - Switzerland.
5.1After the raffle all emails will be deleted.
5.2Your email address and physical address will not be shared with any third party, either for free or for a fee.
6Competition Promotion META (Facebook, Instagram)
According to the META guidelines for contests Crazycat Media GmbH is obliged to mention the following at META Social Media: 1.) On the contest page of Zigarren.Zone rules are established. Crazycat Media GmbH has created the rules and controls its compliance. 2) Crazycat Media GmbH confirms that the promotion has no connection with META and its Social Media and is in no way sponsored, supported or organized by META and its Social Media.

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