Strong start to the new year with the Davidoff Winston Churchill Limited Edition 2021 Cigar and accessories. Davidoff Cigars is continuing its successful campaign for the Davidoff Winston Churchill collection. They are launching a limited edition cigar in February. It is dedicated to one of the many character facets of the most famous aficionado in history: the Commander.
Limited to 11,100 boxes, the Davidoff Winston Churchill Limited Edition 2021 Toro is packaged in ten cigars. The box lid is decorated with the iconic silhouette of the famous commander. The sides of the box feature a chessboard pattern, reflecting the strategic skills of Sir Winston Churchill.
Addendum from 12.01.21: CHF 320, box of 10 cigars > 1000 boxes in Switzerland / jet lighter CHF 290, 100 pcs. in Switzerland / ashtray CHF 250, 100 pcs. in Switzerland.
With the relaunch of the Winston Churchill lines in 2014, the Davidoff brand has achieved unprecedented success worldwide. The continued success of the brand platform "Cigars with Character" with its two lines "The Original Collection" and "The Late Hour" has inspired cigar lovers worldwide to enjoy countless moments of pleasure.
"Sir Winston Churchill was an extraordinary man. His personality displayed countless facets of brilliant talent, from statesman to general, from writer to painter - a unique character of his time. Historical personalities often appear as mere names in history books.
Not so with Sir Winston Churchill, who remains one of the most famous and inspirational figures of the 20th century," explains Edward Simon, CMO of Oettinger Davidoff AG. "We at Davidoff are honored and excited to bring to life the many stories of this extraordinary statesman, artist, author and man of pleasure. Sir Winston's personality remains a great inspiration in the present day."
The diverse selection of Davidoff Winston Churchill lines promises a suitable cigar for every moment. Whether for the day or the night. The Davidoff Winston Churchill "The Original Collection" offers mild and delicately aromatic blends for the day. While the more intense creations of "The Late Hour" invite you to reflect in the evening hours.
The campaign continues to focus on telling the many stories that took place in the great man's life, day and night. And where a cigar was always involved. The Limited Edition 2021 is inspired by Sir Winston Churchill's character facet of the Commander.
Limited Edition Toro cigar from Davidoff Winston Churchill Limited Edition 2021
The Davidoff master blenders have mastered the challenge; they have created a cigar whose complexity and characteristic balance is as multifaceted as the character of its namesake. The new Limited Edition cigar is the perfect combination of the two lines "The Original Collection" and "The Late Hour". The multi-origin blend combines the creaminess and caramel sweetness of "The Original Collection" with the earthy and nutty aromas of "The Late Hour". This medium to full-bodied limited edition combines these complex flavors in an elegant toro format.
Wrapped in a glossy wrapper leaf from Ecuador, this wonderful Toro format offers around 70 minutes of enjoyment. When the cigar is lit, notes of dried fruit and spices delight the aficionado's palate. Additional notes of leather and cream then develop. Nutty and cocoa notes emerge towards the end of the last third of the cigar.
It never lacks the typical Davidoff sophistication in taste and complexity. A delicious pleasure experience. It is inspired by Winston Churchill's multifaceted character and the moments in his life when the stakes were high. Nevertheless, he had to keep a cool head.
Limited Edition Accessories from Davidoff Winston Churchill Limited Edition 2021
Along with the cigars, Davidoff Cigars is presenting a range of limited edition accessories that reflect Winston Churchill's role as commander. The stylish collection consists of an ashtray and a table lighter with a double jet flame and is adorned with a checkerboard pattern and Sir Winston Churchill's silhouette.
Market launch and availability
From February 2021*, the Davidoff Winston Churchill Limited Edition cigars and accessories will be available at selected Davidoff retailers and flagship stores.
* Market launch dates may vary depending on the country.
About the Oettinger Davidoff
With sales of around 450 million Swiss francs and 3100 employees around the world, the Oettinger Davidoff Group can trace its roots back to 1875 and is still an independent family business today. It is dedicated to the manufacture, marketing, distribution and retail sale of premium cigars, tobacco products and accessories.
The premium cigar business comprises the brands Davidoff, AVO, Camacho, Cusano, Griffin's, Private Stock, Zino and Zino Platinum. The Oettinger Davidoff Group is also the general agent for numerous brands in several countries, including Haribo in Switzerland and S.T. Dupont in the USA. The company is strongly rooted in the "crop-to-shop" philosophy and thus pursues an approach of vertical integration, from the tobacco fields in the Dominican Republic and Honduras to the global network of around 70 Davidoff flagship stores and strong authorized dealers.
Winston Churchill Limited Edition 2020 >