New: Cigar advice for beginners via ZOOM

Cigar advice for beginnersCigar advice for beginners

Cigar advice via ZOOM is very popular with beginners. There were already 8 beginners in the second live session. The participants ask their questions live in the round. Each participant can choose to deactivate their video playback so that they can only hear the sound and not see it themselves. Nobody needs to be afraid, because there are no stupid questions, only stupid answers ?'s INSIDER mailing list
By submitting you confirm that you are of legal age (18+).

The topics are varied: Which cigar is suitable for beginners? Why does the cigar taste sour? Why does it smoke at the back? Which lighter do you use with a thick ring gauge? What is the right way to store Cuban cigars? Should cigars be stored with or without cellophane? What influence does the wrapper really have on the taste? And so on. The questions will be answered live from 19:00 to 19:45 by the editor of Zigarren.Zone Social Network - Vasilij Ratej. The LIVE cigar consultation via ZOOM will take place every Monday until 17.05.2021. The next season will start in November 2021.

ZOOM Link: Click here for the LIVE consultation: Mondays, 7 pm until 17.05.21. Then again from November 21 / You can also deactivate your camera and participate with sound only.

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Cigar advice for beginners
Welcome to the LIVE cigar advice for beginners.

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By Vasilij Ratej

I am the editor of Zigarren.Zone online magazine and FlashCigar (online magazine). In addition to text articles, I also produce video clips and video documentaries. My aim is to offer my readers and viewers a unique experience and bring them closer to the world of cigars and stories about people. I attach great importance to authenticity and honesty in my contributions.