Indiana Ortez is General Manager at MOMBACHO

Indiana Ortez is General Manager at Mombacho

Mombacho Cigars S.A. has hired Indiana Ortez as General Manager for the company's operations in Nicaragua. The company continues its 15th anniversary announcements of strategic changes and prepares for an exciting new chapter in its history. Insider
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Indiana Ortez is General Manager at Mombacho
Indiana Ortez.

Indiana brings years of deep tobacco knowledge and a fresh energy to Mombacho's production team. She comes from the oldest Nicaraguan tobacco family and brings with her many years of tobacco and production knowledge.

Cam Heaps, President of Mombacho Cigars S.A., commented, "It is both an honor and a pleasure to have Indiana join Mombacho's senior management team. While Indiana's impressive and wide-ranging expertise is a welcome asset, her passion, spirit and management style will also be an important part of the company's cultural vision."

Indiana adds: "Being the first Nicaraguan female CEO of a cigar company like Mombacho is a double challenge for me, as I feel the responsibility to continue the high legacy of women in our industry. This position allows me to fulfill my personal promise to work with well-fermented tobaccos and continue to focus on quality and consistency without compromise. Moving to the exciting colonial city of Granada, Nicaragua, is also an exciting part of the role. Mombacho feels like a spaceship ready to take off."

Mombacho Cigars S.A. is celebrating its 15th anniversary this year. Global retailers and distributors interested in purchasing or learning more about Mombacho Cigars' premium product line can contact the company at


Mombacho Cigars was founded in 2006 in Granada, Nicaragua. It is the only cigar factory in Granada and is located under the watchful eye of Volcan Mombacho. The factory is located in a 100-year-old neoclassical mansion and is the most visited cigar factory in Nicaragua. The Mombacho family celebrates the beauty of Nicaragua, its people, its culture and its tobacco by producing the full Nicaraguan experience.

More about Mombacho at Zigarren.Zone Social Network >

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