Rarities Cohiba Behike & Co now available

Rarities Cohiba Behike and many brands and editions are now available in Switzerland. Urs Portmann Tabakwaren AG makes it possible. Shipping outside Switzerland is prohibited. You have to ask in advance where you can pick up the cigars: In Kreuzlingen or in St. Gallen.
Addendum from 06.11.2021: More rarities are now available in the online store. As per status at 09:14, 63 rarities are available for purchase. The great thing about them is that they are not "moon prices", but are very down-to-earth.
Cohiba Behike?
It's true, and I could hardly believe it myself. Here, for example, you can find a Behike 54 from 2019, a BHK 52 from 2015 and a BHK 56 from 2020. This is not really a mature "rarity" in the usual sense (recommended minimum maturation period is 7 years). But they are still "unreal" rarities because you can hardly get Behike.

Cohiba Siglo VI from the years 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008
The Siglo VI from various years is a fantastically mature cigar.

Limitadas and Regional Editions
I browsed through the online store and had one heart attack after another; the beads of sweat formed on my forehead, flowed down my nose and cheeks and dripped onto my laptop keyboard like a shower of rain. A San Cristobal de La Habana Edition Regionales Malaisia from 2020, for example. I bought it straight away. But hello!

Only one box available in some cases
You will find the link to the rarities online store under "Resources on the subject". Not all rarities are available in several boxes. I'm sure you'll find what you're looking for here and find a rarity that you've wanted for a long time.
The signs of the times
With old cigars, it can happen that the wrapper leaves have small cracks at the foot or head. This is not a fault of the cigar. It has to do with the fact that the tobacco works over time and may develop small cracks. This is normal, as it is a handmade natural product.
The origin of the cigars
These are cigars that Urs Portmann Tabakwaren AG has bought back from collectors (customers of theirs) for a variety of reasons. All these rarities were purchased from the world-famous cigar retailer PORTMANN. Urs Portmann Tabakwaren AG therefore guarantees their authenticity for resale.