Nicotine flash or nicotine shock

Nicotine shock: causes and immediate measures

Nicotine shock, nicotine flash? Here you can find out everything you need to know: What is nicotine shock? What are the nicotine shock symptoms? How long does it last? How can you avoid it? You will also read a testimonial and learn what you can do in an emergency. We hope that this article will provide you with useful information and remind you how important it is to use nicotine responsibly.

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This post was updated on July 22, 2023.

Nicotine shock / nicotine flash you must do immediately

If you experience a nicotine flash, there are some immediate steps you can take to help. Leave the room immediately, get some fresh air and put all tobacco products aside. Take slow, deep breaths to provide your body with adequate oxygen. Open windows and doors to provide fresh air - ideally for at least 15 minutes.

Drink something sweet like orange juice or lemonade to raise your blood sugar level. If you don't have anything like that on hand, you can also add sugar to a glass of water and drink it slowly. Another option is to eat chocolate, which also raises blood sugar levels. These measures can help relieve the symptoms of nicotine flash.

Please also check with your family doctor. Nicotine shock is not to be trifled with if you experience it frequently.

Nicotine flash or nicotine shock

Nicotine flash or nicotine shock: This is not to be trifled with. Also check with your family doctor.

Nicotine shock symptoms

Please note that this section is incomplete and only includes the most common nicotine shock symptoms. If you experience nicotine shock on a regular basis, it is highly advisable to see a primary care physician for more information and support.

The most common nicotine shock symptoms include nausea, dizziness, shaking, sweating, vomiting and diarrhea. Please note that diarrhea can also occur after smoking and not only during smoking. In addition, intestinal cramps may also occur.

Nicotine shock how long does it last?

This varies: it may last only a few minutes. If the shock is more severe, it may last longer, for example, during vomiting or diarrhea. Please also check with your family doctor. You can tell if you have a flash by the symptoms described; and ask yourself how long it lasts, especially in the case of nicotine shock. This is not to be trifled with.

How you can prevent it

You need to get rid of your addiction. Find out from your family doctor how to successfully get rid of addiction.

When enjoying a cigar, it is important to take your time and enjoy it consciously. To avoid unpleasant symptoms, it is recommended to draw the cigar slowly and eat something beforehand. The following list contains points that are frequently observed in practice, but it is not exhaustive. Please also check with your family doctor.

When smoking Cigars it is important to pay attention to the right conditions to avoid unpleasant symptoms. Adequate oxygen supply in the room is important to provide the body with enough oxygen. Regular ventilation helps to keep the room fresh and remove smoke.

In addition, a professional air purifier can be used to remove smoke and improve air quality. When smoking, care should be taken not to smoke too quickly or on an empty stomach, as this can lead to unpleasant symptoms such as nausea, dizziness and tremors.

It is also possible to ingest too much nicotine, especially if you smoke several cigars in a row or consume other nicotine-containing tobacco products on the same day and too quickly in succession. It is important to be aware of this and, if necessary, consult a physician for help in combating tobacco addiction and minimizing possible health consequences.

Field report: How to avoid nicotine shock when smoking cigars

I've been smoking cigars since the 1990s and had a mild nicotine flash every now and then in my rookie years. Mostly it was a result of smoking too fast or when I smoked on an empty stomach. In such cases, I would get nauseous and start to sweat. My first reaction was to put down the cigar and go out into the fresh air. I usually didn't think of drinking or eating anything sweet to relieve the flash.

I had my last nicotine flash in 2020. That day I was in no shape to smoke a cigar, but I didn't know that in the morning. For my test reports, I always smoke the first cigar on an empty stomach. But after about 10 minutes, I started to feel dizzy and sweaty. The nicotine had gotten to me. Even though I was using an air filter in the lounge, I immediately aired out the room and drank sugar water before getting some fresh air. After a few minutes, I felt better, and the nausea and sweating subsided.

I was surprised to get a nicotine flash despite smoking slowly. So I had breakfast before trying another cigar about two hours later. This time, everything went smoothly. Obviously, I wasn't in the best frame of mind to smoke a cigar before breakfast.

To avoid a nicotine flash, I recommend following the tips described above. However, if a nicotine flash does occur, you now know what you can do about it immediately.

Resources on the topic

You can find even more about nicotine at Wikipedia

Tip: This article will also interest you: Health risk cigars - 6 scientific facts

