Davidoff DominicanaThe new Davidoff Dominicana.

Davidoff Dominicana - that's the name of the new cigar. It will be launched on 20.05.2021. The date may vary depending on the country. The tobacco comes from the 2014 harvest and was carefully matured for 6 years until the Dominicana was created. The cigar line is made with these rare vintage tobaccos and offers a firework of flavors and enjoyment.

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About the new cigar

The leading manufacturer of premium cigars launches a new line of cigars and celebrates its Dominican heritage with a cigar that reflects Dominican joie de vivre and culture.

Davidoff Dominicana
Short Robusto / Robusto / Toro

"Davidoff is associated worldwide with cigars of exceptional quality and sophistication. To honor our roots, we have created the Dominicana: a line of cigars that exudes the colorful and diverse culture and lifestyle of the Dominican Republic. To accomplish this task, Davidoff's master blenders have combined five Dominican Republic tobaccos in an Ecuadorian binder and topped it off with a Dominican wrapper.

We are delighted to have succeeded in developing a cigar that combines intense and complex flavors with the elegant class of the Davidoff White Band Collection, bringing the Caribbean joie de vivre to life through its taste," says Edward Simon, Head of Marketing at Oettinger Davidoff AG. "The Davidoff Dominicana is not only a vibrant and exciting example of Davidoff's expertise and craftsmanship, but also a testament to our vast range of vintage tobaccos.

Davidoff Dominicana
Three formats in wooden boxes of 10.

We have allowed selected tobaccos from the 2014 harvest to mature to perfection for six long years and used them for the Davidoff Dominicana blend to give a confident testimony to our vintage creations. This is one of the key differences that aficionados around the world appreciate about our brand and our company," he continues.

Exceptional taste experience

The Davidoff Dominicana complements the White Band Collection with a familiar cultivated, but at the same time stronger taste experience. As a sign of the exceptional craftsmanship of the Davidoff Torcedores, the Dominicana bears a pigtail cap and a golden foot band, which emphasizes the year in which the tobacco was harvested.

Davidoff Dominicana
The tobacco and the taste.

To create a vibrant taste experience reminiscent of the colorful culture and joie de vivre of the Dominican Republic, Davidoff's master blenders opened the deepest treasure troves of their vintage tobaccos to create an incomparable cigar statement. The complex blend of tobaccos matured for up to six years offers a multi-layered yet harmonious taste experience. In the first third, the Yamasá Visus tobacco offers appealing notes of fresh spices - complemented by aromas of black pepper and oak wood.

Davidoff Dominicana tobacco
The tobacco is more visible here.

In the second third, the Ecuadorian binder adds an intense creamy note, which is supported by subtle hints of dark chocolate and leather. The final third begins with the taste of dried fruit, which mixes with delicate aromas of oak and fresh spices. The extended maturation process of the tobaccos harvested in 2014 results in a full-bodied intensity, balanced complexity and a taste experience that makes the Dominicana unforgettable.

Davidoff Dominicana flavor
The taste is more visible here.

Limited availability

True to the promise of uncompromising quality and integrity, the Davidoff Dominicana line will be available as long as the stock of vintage tobaccos for this blend lasts. To ensure the Dominicana's impeccable quality and optimal flavor development upon market launch, the cigars were hand-rolled over twelve months ago.

Davidoff Dominicana
The new Davidoff Dominicana.

This extended resting phase of the cigars ensures that the time of those aficionados who choose a Davidoff Dominicana is filled in the most beautiful way. The cigar will be available in three formats for every moment of enjoyment: a Toro, a Robusto and a Short Robusto. The cigars are presented in natural wood boxes of ten each, decorated with the vintage symbol*, which indicates the particularly long maturation of the tobaccos.

*The equipment with the vintage sticker may vary depending on the country.

The tobacco

  • Cover pageHybrid 257 from the Dominican Republic
  • UmblattHybrid 151 from Ecuador
  • Insert sheetSan Vicente Visus, San Vicente Mejorado Seco, Piloto Visus, Dominican Corojo 99 Seco and Yamasá Visus from the Dominican Republic

The formats

  • Toro: RG 54 x 6" / Ø 2.2cm x 15.2cm
  • Robusto: RG 52 x 5 1/8" / Ø 2.1cm x 13cm
  • Short Robusto: RG 50 x 4" / Ø 2cm x 10.2cm
Davidoff Dominicana, Robusto
Davidoff Dominicana, Robusto

Market launch & availability

From May 2021*, the Davidoff Dominicana Limited Release cigars will be available from selected Davidoff authorized dealers and in Davidoff of Geneva 1911 flagship stores.

*Market launch dates may vary by country.

Davidoff Dominicana, Toro
Davidoff Dominicana, Toro

About the Oettinger Davidoff

The Oettinger Davidoff Group with sales of around 450 million Swiss francs and 3100 employees around the world, can trace its roots back to 1875 and is still an independent family business today.

Davidoff Dominicana, Short Robusto
Davidoff Dominicana, Short Robusto

It is dedicated to the manufacture, marketing, distribution and retail sales of premium cigars, tobacco products and accessories. The premium cigar business includes the Davidoff, AVO, Camacho, Cusano, Griffin's, Private Stock, Zino and Zino Platinum brands. The Oettinger Davidoff Group also distributes numerous brands in several countries as a general agent, including Haribo in Switzerland.

The company is strongly rooted in the "crop-to-shop" philosophy and thus follows the approach of vertical integration, from the tobacco fields in the Dominican Republic and Honduras to the worldwide network of around 70 Davidoff flagship stores and strong authorized dealers.

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By Vasilij Ratej

I am the editor of Zigarren.Zone online magazine and FlashCigar (online magazine). In addition to text articles, I also produce video clips and video documentaries. My aim is to offer my readers and viewers a unique experience and bring them closer to the world of cigars and stories about people. I attach great importance to authenticity and honesty in my contributions.