Cigars ZEN Daniel Beuthner

Cigars ZEN with Daniel Beuthner, Patoro and 2 pairings

Daniel Beuthner is a bon vivant, iconologist (no, that's not a doctor) and Youtuber. His videos swim against the current. Longer than 35 minutes and they don't fit into the "hustle hustle time". His channel is famous and for the small niche of the cigar theme, he has over 28,000 subscribers. His videos reach well over tens of thousands of views. In this cigar ZEN conversation we enjoy a Patoro Perfecto Vintage with two pairings: a kind of mojito and a cocktail of white port / tonic water and salt on ice. And there are also laughs to be had. For example, Daniel tries his hand at Swiss German dialect. How he succeeded, you will experience among other things in this broadcast. We hope you enjoy it.

The video

The best way to enjoy the video is with a great cigar and a nice drink.

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About Daniel Beuthner: Iconologist

A picture is worth a thousand words. One can casually say that this is iconology. What does a picture say? What effect does it have? For example, when a politician laughs in a crisis area. Only this one image that has now been generated in your head is taken out of context. This image of a laughing politician in a crisis area doesn't work at all. He got it wrong in the image, not just in the word.

What says Wikipedia about iconology? "Iconology is the name given to a branch of research in art history that emerged in the 1920s and 1930s, which interprets the symbolic forms of a work of art as a complement to the value-indifferent method of form analysis and iconography." In the program, Daniel Beuthner talks about iconology and what you can do with it, among other things.

What is Cigars ZEN?

This is a format of Cigars.Zone Social Network. What does ZEN mean in the context of this format? It is often said that ZEN offers nothing. Neither a teaching, nor a secret, nor answers. It means to live life in its complete fullness. You can find an article about it at Wikipedia. So here it's all about celebrating the pleasure of a cigar, a drink and a conversation. Simply switch off and take time for yourself. Just be and decelerate without pursuing a specific goal.

Cigars ZEN Daniel Beuthner
Find out what this dream image is all about in the program with Daniel Beuthner.

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  1. which does not happen often with me... 45 minutes flew by and I could actually "stay tuned". Will give the port a chance with tonic and especially the pinch of salt. Well done.
