Cigars ZEN 1: Annette Meisl and the power of positive thoughts

Annette Meisl is a terrific aficionada. Her world-famous La Galana cigar salon in Cologne and its La Galana cigars have fans all over the world. In today's show, she reveals what she experienced in India and Colombia before the COVID-19 lockdown in 2020. She gives us exciting insights into her mindset and advises all people who find themselves in a slump on how to get out of it.
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2 steps that will lead you out of the crisis
Annette Meisl gives an impressive account of the two steps that have often helped her out of a crisis. These 2 steps helped her in particular during the super disaster of the COVID-19 total lockdown in March 2020, when her online store was also hacked.
- Step 1: Be grateful for what you have. We often forget that.
- Step 2: Focus on positive things. What can I do now with what I have to get out of the crisis?
In this episode you will experience Annette up close as she talks about her experiences. You will recognize many things from your life and you will experience how you can get out of a crisis.
Annette Meisl and her La Galana cigar salon
When you visit her fantastic cigar salon in Cologne, you are immersed in a completely different world. It's like stepping into a Cuban living room. You take a seat, are served and advised, switch off your head, turn off your cell phone, take a deep breath... phew... finally calm your mind and enjoy.

Annette Meisl is a life artist. She is a singer, artist agent, cigar roller, writer, traveler and entrepreneur. In 2019, she won the 37th Rock and Pop Award with her vocal show Carmen 5.0 wins first prize for best chanson album 2019.
The video: Enjoy the Cigar ZEN, Season 1, Episode 5
The best way to enjoy the video is with a great cigar and a nice drink. Just take some time to wind down. Make yourself comfortable, switch off. I hope you enjoy this episode of Cigars ZEN and Annette Meisl and gain deep insights into how different paths can lead out of the crisis.

- We enjoyed the following cigars and drinks while talking
- Annette: La Galana Churchill / Vasilij: La Galana Torpedo
- We enjoyed the La Galana Wine
- Also take a look at the La Galana Blog to
- I would like to THREAD Consulting mention. During the 2020 lockdown, the company helped Annette Meisl to get her hacked online store up and running again. Watch the video to find out exactly what happened and how she was helped.
What is Cigars ZEN?
This is a format of Cigars.Zone Social Network. What does ZEN mean in the context of this format? It is often said that ZEN offers nothing. Neither a teaching, nor a secret, nor answers. It means to live life in its complete fullness. You can find an article about it at Wikipedia. So here it's all about celebrating the pleasure of a cigar, a drink and a conversation. Simply switch off and take time for yourself. Just be and decelerate without pursuing a specific goal.

Here you can find La Galana in Cologne
I recommend you visit this cigar salon. Whether now during the COVID-19 phase (to pick up the pleasure packages and take a look inside the cigar salon) or afterwards to enjoy. I promise you: you will enter a completely different world and your brain will shut down and reboot.