"shocked" on 02.04.22
Zigarren.Zone blocked its website from public access for several hours on 02.04.22. It was a demonstration for an issue that will become reality in the course of 2024.
Topic too little known (or not known at all)
Many consumers are either not aware of the issue or do not believe it. The new Swiss tobacco advertising ban was adopted on 13.02.22. You will no longer be able to access tobacco information freely in 2024 because it will be blocked or made more difficult to access. This will also affect you if you outside live in Switzerland. I am prepared for this "lockdown". I have started two programs so that you can still receive your tobacco information from 2024: 1) Cigars.Zone Plus and 2) the membership for the website. Readers of the website found this on 02.04.22, and they could only read the entertaining posts and watch the videos after logging in:
What are the differences between Cigars.Zone Plus and Cigars.Zone Website membership?
Zigarren.Zone Plus: You will receive the online magazine FlashCigar and eBooks from me free of charge by e-mail. These contents are NOT on the Zigarren.Zone website, but may only be sent to members by mailing in the course of 2024.
Cigars.Zone Website Membership: During 2024, cigar blogs will either no longer be public or will be restricted. If you would like to access the valuable contributions, please register for the Zigarren.Zone website. Membership is free of charge. Furthermore, you can exchange ideas with like-minded people here on the website, share your photos and texts with them and also comment on the blog posts.
What will change for you?
Your access to this entertaining information will change for you. That's why I recommend that you register for both Cigars.Zone Plus and Cigars.Zone Website Membership. This double pack allows you to get the information you want in different ways. The new Swiss tobacco advertising ban does not change my work. I will continue to produce the videos and articles for you and my customers with great pleasure and motivation.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your loyalty and support,
~ Vasilij