Caldwell One Night Stand 10th Anniversary - my experience with this cigar

I recently had the pleasure of testing the Caldwell One Night Stand 10th Anniversary and would like to share my impressions with you. I tried three copies of this cigar and awarded a total of 81 ZiZo points.

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60 sec clip

Caldwell One Night Stand: the 60 Sec clip.

Caldwell One Night Stand: the 60 Sec clip.

Fact Sheet from the Caldwell 10th Anniversary One Night Stand

For the details please unfold

The Analysis I performed with the Cigars.Zone Testing Tool by. Explanations to the ZiZo R+ smoke technology you can find here.

Format: Toro (ring 50 / length 154 mm)

Tobacco: Secret, is not disclosed. It is said that the tobaccos have been aged since 2012.

Recommended acclimatization in the humidor: 7 days with cellophane in humidor

Price: Status October 2023 / CHF 14.00 / box of 10 CHF 140.00

Beautiful wrapper she has, the Caldwell One Night Stand.

Beautiful wrapper she has, the Caldwell One Night Stand.

The first five minutes and the quality

The first five minutes were a challenge for me!

The first five minutes were a challenge for me!

Right off the bat, I have to say that the first five minutes of smoking were a bit of a challenge for me personally. All three specimens seemed too bitter and too sharp at this stage. The smoke had a certain sharpness from start to finish that somewhat overwhelmed me.

As for the quality of the cigar, it is undoubtedly well made. The wrapper is nice and silky-oily and gives the cigar an appealing look. It feels comfortable in the hand and is rolled solidly and flawlessly.

First and second half of Caldwell One Night Stand

A stable and linear cigar until the finale. Then she turned up.

A stable and linear cigar until the finale. Then she turned up.

One aspect I noticed about the Caldwell One Night Stand is its linear flavor development. The taste does not change very much during smoking. Only towards the end, in the finale, the cigar turns up a little and becomes a little "deeper" in flavor.

As for the taste, I could detect nuances of grass, nut and wood. There was also a distinct hint of bitter cocoa throughout the entire smoke. Towards the end of the second half, there were slight notes of coffee beans that added some complexity to the flavor profile.


I understand that the Caldwell One Night Stand has its loyal fans, but for me personally it wasn't quite right. The initial bitterness and spiciness, as well as the rather linear flavor development, were not ideal for my taste. However, it's important to stress that taste is subjective, and what didn't work for me may be great for other cigar lovers. Those looking for a cigar with these flavor profiles should give the Caldwell One Night Stand a chance.

The Caldwell One Night Stand 10th Anniversary reached 81 ZiZo points.

The Caldwell One Night Stand 10th Anniversary reached 81 ZiZo points.

Resources on the topic

Find Caldwell One Night Stand on Google

Want to take your cigar reviews to the next level? Free Cigars.Zone Download Tasting Tool.

Helpful tips: From "retronasal", "R+ technique", about "umami" to the difference of cigars storage between Non Cuba and Cuba.

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