3 cigar sets won

3 cigar sets have been won by 3 Zigarren.Zone members. The value per set is CHF 800. WHAT?!

Cigars.zone's INSIDER mailing list
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3 Winners

Congratulations to Marcel, Jochen and Patrick. On September 4, 2021, Zigarren.Zone called on its members to be as active as possible in the news feed. The random number generator selected three winners from the most active members on 28.11.21. The sets are sponsored by Zigarren.Zone.

Wow, that's so great! Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts to Marcel, Jochen and Patrick!

3 cigar sets won
Members can publish their photos, videos and texts in the news feed.

What's in the sets?

That remains a secret for the time being. The three winners will receive mail from Zigarren.Zone before Christmas. We'll be curious to see if they are happy with the contents? ? Each of them will send photos and we will publish an article. Then everyone can see what was in the package.

(Maybe raw tobacco with instructions on how to roll their own cigars? ...who knows...) ?

How can you use this online magazine?

You have three areas in the menu bar:

  • Area 1: For members > As a member, you upload your photos and content in this area
  • Area 2: Online magazine > In this section you can read all articles from the Zigarren.Zone Redkation
  • Report 3: Contact us > ...uh... that's self-explanatory ?

All content is accessible to everyone. A great tool is our Tasting tool. Mainly because you will get to know your cigars much better. In short form you will find a chronological overview of all contributions in our Online magazine. We love our work. To share your own content (photos, texts, documents, videos) with others, you must registered and registered be. Then you're ready to go. You can share your content here:

About Cigars.Zone online magazine

We are financed by advertising and product placements. Is the content at all neutral? Of course, we also tackle unpleasant topics. Incidentally, this is highly appreciated by our advertising partners. To join the social network, please click here: Register >

The service was founded on 01.07.2014 as a normal blog. On 01.01.2020 the GmbH was founded. On 01.01.2021 the blog was converted into a social network. The owner has been Vasilij Ratej since 2014.

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By Vasilij Ratej

I am the editor of Zigarren.Zone online magazine and FlashCigar (online magazine). In addition to text articles, I also produce video clips and video documentaries. My aim is to offer my readers and viewers a unique experience and bring them closer to the world of cigars and stories about people. I attach great importance to authenticity and honesty in my contributions.